Saturday, May 22, 2010

Month of May

April showers bring May flowers!! This year has been a down pore, I left my position as an Art director at Toni and Guy for a new "promising" Creative Director/Educational Director position at Damsels and Blokes. Well, I discovered myself being led to believe that I couldn't do better than what these companies had offered. I went into business for myself and opened my own studio in Houston to prove them wrong. So far I have pored in double my net salary and things are growing bigger and better for me and my family. Though the new business has brought its challenges and demands. I find that things are truly better.

It is now July and it is hot! I started doing color again and I absolutely love the challenge of
Complete customization for the individual and making sure that they customer is please with their change. I would like to ask those that do receive services from me send me your friends and family and the strangers that complement you on the streets. I am working on a referral program with my distributors, so just bare with me.

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