Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ghosts of My Past and Angels for The Future

This past week I had family members in town from Idaho, California, and Oklahoma. This was the first time ever that my Aunts, my cousins, and their children have seen each other all in one place at one time. So as the anticipation for the weekend came closer, I got a nervous twitch the closer the week came to an end. What are they going to say or think about me, what are they going to think about my own family and is there anything that I did in the past that will affect the way they portray me in the present? These are the questions I kept asking myself all week.

The weekend came, Heather, Mia and I drove to the Woodlands to see the other side of the family. Well, to put my immediate family in perspective, I have decided to let all the people who read this know where I am coming from.

I came from a broken family. My Mother and Father divorced when I was in grade school. The last thing I remember is my birthday party in a tree house my father and grandparents had built me. After the divorce, I spent the rest of my childhood being bounced from my mother to father. I have lived in over 26 different apartment, houses, duplexes, and not to mention attic space at my aunts, which I remember a lot of squirrels. All in the amount of 9 years. I cannot say I had the roughest childhood and I cannot say I had the worst childhood, but a learning experience for the life journey of building your own family. Kind of like a how-to book on what not to do in the future. But this weekend has showed me a lot. It showed me that I have family that love me and care for me out side of my own family ( Agnes, Nestor, Pam, Zach, Heather, my nephews, and my own children). Not that my mother and father don't care for me, but it is a simple thing like showing that you care and acknowledging the fact that I'm here and I'm not a chore or a burden. I love both of my parents but sometimes a random call or a happy birthday would be nice. Actions speak louder than words in my book. And when little to no effort is made to be a part of mine or my family's life, then it affects me. That is all I have to say about that. I also want those who may take this the wrong way to know that I am grateful and respectful for the most part to both my parents. I just wish there could have been more stability and communication.
Love you all more than you assume I do. I am just tired of being the mediator for communication and care. I have my family and I am doing whatever it takes to make sure that they are well taken care of.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Captains Log 07192010 19:54 hrs

Corrections to my prior posts that I started in May 2010.

It is funny that I started this Blog in May and I just now posted it. Oh, the Grammar will get better. Promise!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Busy Weekend For The Lot of You

Sounds as though many of my Facebook friends and family had a busy weekend. Friends in Vegas that attended NAHA ( North American Hairdressing Awards ), family in Vegas getting some much needed R&R for the first time since the two boys were born (Pam hope you didn't spend too much in the forum shops! Oh, that reminds me. I asked Heather to ask you if you could pick me up one of those John Varvatos' 2 piece suits and possibly a nice watch to go with it...) Only Joking!

Heather(Isabel), Mia, and I had a relaxing weekend. Started it off with taking Heather(Isabel) and Mia swimming. only to find out that the water was too warm. Felt better getting out of the pool than it did getting in. Unfortunately I was only able to get in up to my waist because of my new tattoo I got on my left side of my ribs. (X.VI.MMV) which is shaped in a triangular pattern.The Numerics that I got etched are my first daughters birthday and for some strange reason I have a much bigger sense of closeness to Mia. Like a sealed bond between her and I. kind of weird, but bonded for sure.

My thoughts on NAHA. I am slightly disappointed in the results, seems as thought the results are as predictable as a poorly written reality show on NBC. Where is the WOW factor I remember in the industry. I truly believe that some of these poor contestants got the raw deal in most cases. This is art not a beauty contest! if you feel you want to check out the winners go to and look under NAHA finalists and winners for 2010. you can also see the past years winners. You will see what I am talking about. (Sorry NAHA winners)!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Month of May

April showers bring May flowers!! This year has been a down pore, I left my position as an Art director at Toni and Guy for a new "promising" Creative Director/Educational Director position at Damsels and Blokes. Well, I discovered myself being led to believe that I couldn't do better than what these companies had offered. I went into business for myself and opened my own studio in Houston to prove them wrong. So far I have pored in double my net salary and things are growing bigger and better for me and my family. Though the new business has brought its challenges and demands. I find that things are truly better.

It is now July and it is hot! I started doing color again and I absolutely love the challenge of
Complete customization for the individual and making sure that they customer is please with their change. I would like to ask those that do receive services from me send me your friends and family and the strangers that complement you on the streets. I am working on a referral program with my distributors, so just bare with me.

Grab the Bull By the Horns!

Where to start...
I started in the Beauty industry about 7 years ago in Salt Lake City, Utah with my friends and mentors Fumi Eguchi, Paul Chance, and Tyson Daniels. After my training in Salt Lake City, Utah my life took a turn for the best and my wife Heather got pregnant and we moved to Houston, Texas to start a new life with the a family that I am proud to say that I am a part of. Thank you Agnes and Nestor for being a great influence to Heather, Mia, myself, and our soon to be Isabel Mae Beale. I take comfort that I know Mia and Isabel will be taken great care of from their Lola and Lolo, (Grandmother and Grandfather for those of you who don't know Tagalog). Much thanks to them for getting us this far in our lives.

In May 2010 I opened my own business "The Kilted Coiffeur" Located at 12010 Jones Rd Ste. 105 Houston, Texas 77070 located inside Sedora Salons. This is such a blessing for my family, myself and my customers. I am able to create my own schedule and do the things that I love to do. I specialize in hair cutting, hair color and Keratin Treatments. In the recent years I have been submitting my work to the North American Hairdressing Awards and Wella Trend Vision.
This year has been very productive with starting a new business, getting my family ready for another baby, making sure I have all my ducks in a row. I am starting school hopefully in the fall to get my Cosmetology Instructors licence so I can start with a company doing stage work
While on vacation in Salt Lake City, Utah I ran into my friend and mentor Tyson Daniels who invited me to go to PureArtist training to start teaching classes and share my knowledge with other industry professionals about the product and techniques I have learned over the last 7 years. I cannot wait for opportunities to start coming to me. I am going to go out there and grab the bull by the horns and wow people with my talent, creativity and drive to do it bigger and better than ever before.